We bring design into shape.

Professional product development up to series production.

Herz und Motor Ihres Erfolgs ist unsere Produktentwicklung. Hier werden die Köpfe zusammengesteckt, und “Geht nicht!” kommt bei uns nicht vor. Denn wir beraten, tüfteln und optimieren, bis für die Designerinnen oder Designer sowie für unsere Kunden alles perfekt passt.

Close cooperation from the beginning

In order for an idea to become a product, a drawing to become a prototype and the desired molded part to finally be produced in series, we rely on an intensive exchange between you and us. Only in this way are adjustments and optimizations possible again and again, which are implemented and re-evaluated directly in the ongoing process.

Bei uns sind Sie immer herzlich eingeladen, sich in den Entwicklungsprozess von Formholzteilen so früh wie möglich einzubringen. Ideal ist der gemeinsame Austausch direkt bei uns in Brakel, um aus großartigen Ideen marktfähige und kostengünstige Produkte zu realisieren.

We bring all our expertise and experience to bear to create products that meet all requirements in terms of appearance, stability, producibility as well as economical manufacturing.

Models, test sitting and more:
We think ahead!

Our development team remains at your side, even when production has already started. Because many a requirement up to the desired product maturity only becomes apparent here. And if the required tools are not yet available, we build them ourselves – at reasonable prices.

In addition, we carry out our own strength tests of chairs and fittings in our test laboratory with chair testing machine, so that we can react early and in a targeted manner if necessary. Our cooperation therefore continues with full flexibility and reliability in the production process as well: At Becker Brakel, the development process does not end until the approval for the first product series has been granted. Feel free to put us to the test!

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