
Thank you for 155 entries to the Becker Design Forum 2023

03. January 2023

Für unser Design-Forum haben wir 155 Einreichungen aus aller Welt erhalten – über diese große Anzahl haben wir uns sehr gefreut und bedanken uns ganz herzlich dafür! Das Spektrum umfasste von Sitzmöbeln, Tischen und Leuchten bis hin zu Einkaufstrolley sowie einem Wohnwagen für E-Bikes wieder großartige, begeisternde Design-Ideen.

By the time of interzum, we will have created a selection of ten models as prototypes and will present them to trade fair visitors at our stand D-10 in Hall 4.2. In addition, all submitted ideas are available as printed documentation for all interested parties.

We are convinced that one or the other great model will be included in the program of our customers …!

The interzum will take place from 09. to 12.05.2023 in Cologne. You are cordially invited to come and see the innovative ideas with us. We are looking forward to meeting you!

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